divendres, 11 de desembre del 2015


L'altre dia ens va dir l'Isabel que havíem d'anar a l'ordinador a una pàgina amb 100 preguntes i resulta que emva tocar el que jo volia era l'esport i el dibuix
vaig marxar molt satisfet estava d'acord amb la seva opinió.

dimarts, 9 de juny del 2015


Football was created many years ago by the Aztecs that who played sport to represent their people . The team losing the killed and the captain of the other team too. Also the Egyptians practiced this sport . is played with a ball made ​​from straw and mud. but one day one of the most famous emperors of China Fu -Hi invented the leather ball , with two masts made ​​of goal, the game was that you had to put the ball inside the two clubs . This game could use any part of the body is less mans.Cada team played seven . Today it is practiced as the only two goals that instead of two sticks and play 11 players per team.
My favourite team is Bosc de Tosca.

the history of football began in ancient Egyptian , Egyptians made ​​a ritual of fertility utilitzan a ball. This was made ​​of straw and mud, but this game seemed to handball . This eran not the only ones to know this sport china Emperor Fu -Hi invented the leather ball . nortamericans after archaeologists discovered that the Aztecs also practiced but in the end the party had to kill the losers and the captain of the winning team . And so it evolved to the Romans, Greeks, etc ... could say that the first sport was invented by the Egyptians and the Aztecs cinesos .

diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2015


I've got a trendy blue jacket. This is why fashion It's really beautiful is very nice because it takes hood.
I like to wear this sweater with a black tracksuit, which has two white lines. I like to put me on physical education. is also very comfortable.
For me tracksuit is more comfortable than jeans, also may not like.
My favorite shoes are on trainers black, white, orange and gray. It is the mark of DC.

dimarts, 20 de gener del 2015

A memorable experience

One day in the summer in 2008 the april, my sister Judit, my father Josep, my mather Dolors, my cousins and me we went look for my first pony Titus. Went he has 9  years old, it is black and he has one stain in he's head. Is very beautiful and funny.
In afternoon I'm going to the stadium Bosc de Tosca for play the match amd my team Alebí A wins a manlleu 5-2 I scoore two goals, my coatch congratulation me. My family we going with me for cheer.
In the night me and my family going to a restaurant l'Estrada to dinner.
I'm ask one salad, patatoes, chicken, water and one ice cream, is delicious .
Next, me and my cousins going to my house for sleeping and exlpain histories scary.
This day is a best day in my life .
Goodbye .